Erecting scaffolds is an something we do on our own contracts all the time (for example, in order to rebuild a spire or repair a chimney head, we must scaffold it first).
This was an unusual scaffold erected near Wick, Caithness. We erected the scaffold for use by other contractors.
Lot more information on this contract can be found in the case study linked below the picture.

This scaffold was erected on top of the Old College, which is part of Edinburgh University.

A closer view of the above scaffold.

A simple “flying” access scaffold erected on the rear elevation of a building in the New Town of Edinburgh. It was used by a roofing company.
It wasn’t possible to get scaffolding into the rear garden to build a traditional “from the ground” scaffold so we were asked to provide an alternative.

An example of one of our full steeplejack scaffolds. This one is on a 200 foot spire.

Another steeplejack scaffold in the process of being built (this is the first stage).